STAR OCEAN: Till the End of Time is headed to the PS4 this month

SQUARE ENIX has  announced that the defining entry in the STAR OCEAN  series, and the only game in the series I’ve played, STAR OCEAN: Till the End of Time is coming May 23rd as a digital exclusive for the PS4 .

The game includes new features unique to the PS4 system, such as trophy support, share functionality, and remote play. Those might be throwaway features, but it doesn’t really matter as the game is pretty fantastic as it is.

Originally released in 2004 for the PS2 system, STAR OCEAN: Till the End of Time presents the journey of Fayt Leingod and his childhood friend, Sophia Esteed, as they discover the greatest secret in the Star Ocean universe.

STAR OCEAN: Till the End of Time will be available digitally from the PlayStation Store for $20.99 on May 23.

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