Splash Damage’s F2P FPS Dirty Bomb Drops Next Week

Dirty Bomb

Okay, so, I’m pretty sure I’m on some FBI watch-list now after typing out that headline, but hear me out; Dirty Bomb is the new FPS from Splash Damage that looks to take the FPS back to its roots. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go see what that unmarked white van is doing across the street.

Splash Damage’s first-person shooter, Dirty Bomb, opens its floodgates on Tuesday, June 2, so prepare to get rich and die trying! For a behind-the-scenes look at what to expect from Dirty Bomb, check out the new video:

“Dirty Bomb takes us back to our roots as a company dedicated to making competitive multiplayer shooters for hardcore gamers,” said Paul Wedgwood, CEO of Splash Damage. “Twenty years ago I played obsessively in a clan, competed in tournaments, made a mod for Quake 3, and as a result, founded Splash Damage with clan mates and friends. We’re grateful to have Dirty Bomb shaped by our players from an early alpha stage – With their dedication and feedback, along with the support from Nexon America, we think we’ve created something special.”

Dirty Bomb

Dirty Bomb is a return to the classic FPS PC feel with frenetic run ‘n gun action built for players with an appetite for heated competition, and the first in a new generation of games published by Nexon America. Free-to-play, and more importantly, free-to-win, Dirty Bomb is a unique asymmetrical team-based game in which players will select from a diverse group of Mercenaries, each with their own shining personalities, assorted talents and super-cool weapons, to create specialized squads to take into the fray on a quest for riches and bragging rights.

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Dirty Bomb

Dirty Bomb is currently in closed beta on Steam, but will be open to the public beginning Tuesday, June 2, 2015: http://store.steampowered.com/app/333930/.

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