Space Jam 2 Is Happening With LeBron James

Space Jam 2

It’s slam or be jammed.

It’s been a meme for such a long time, it actually predates such things being called memes. But Space Jam 2 is actually happening. And this time, the main attraction is LeBron James.

That’s right, the Loony Tunes will return to the court alongside LeBron James. Terence Nance (HBO’s Random Acts of Flyness) is set to direct, with Ryan Coogler (Black Panther) and Justin Lin (Fast Five, Star Trek Beyond) producing.

As you might expect, details are pretty light right now. There’s also no word on what cameos, if any, will be in store for the film. We’ll probably find out as soon as Space Jam 2 is a bit further along in development.

I do hope that old website stays the same, though. That sucker’s a 1990’s time capsule.

Space Jam Website


Source: Buzzfeed

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