South Carolina Man Allegedly Robs Convenience Store With Spray-Painted NES Zapper


The Florida Man is spreading.

Ahh, who doesn’t have memories of trying to shoot the dog in Duck Hunt? I only ask, because the NES Zapper, a necessary peripheral to play Duck Hunt and other NES light gun games, has wound up in the news.

According to York County Sheriffs, one David Joseph Dalesandro (25) entered the Sharon Kwik Stop (a convenience store) at around 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday wearing a mask, wig, and hoodie sweatshirt. He waved a fake gun at the clerk, demanding the money from the cash register. Sheriffs later found him down the street in a Dollar General parking lot with the fake gun in his pants. The gun in question was an NES Zapper that Dalesandro had spray-painted black.

That last detail naturally caught attention, and so the York County Sheriff’s Department released an image of the Zapper Dalesandro used in the following tweet:

York County Sheriff’s Department

Frankly, it looks pretty sweet in black, sloppy paint job aside. Though it would be incredibly illegal to do so. While this is probably the first time anybody’s used a Zapper as a fake gun for a hold up, it’s not the first time a toy gun has been used in a robbery. Much the same as this case, robbers will often paint the orange barrel tip required by law on toy guns black, making it indistinguishable at a glance from the genuine article. And it carries the same consequences as if the robbers used a real gun. “Carrying a fake gun and using it as if it were a real gun is a recipe for incarceration,” said Baltimore City Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Michael Schatzow in 2018, “We take this very seriously because, from the victim’s perspective, it makes absolutely no difference.”

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So remember kids; winners don’t do drugs, and the Zapper is not something you should use to rob a convenience store.

Source: Gizmodo

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