‘Sounds of Alien: Isolation’ trailer available now

‘Sounds of Alien: Isolation’ trailer available now

Sound is a crucial component of any horror series and Alien: Isolation™ is no exception. In the latest trailer, available to download now, the team behind the game at Creative Assembly discusses how careful it has been to remain true to the incredible audio composition of the 1979 movie. With access to countless original audio recordings and the musical score, Alien: Isolation features a soundtrack which creates an emotional reaction from the player, escalating tension and driving fear.

Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game capturing the fear and tension evoked by Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic film. Players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

Alien: Isolation will be available from October 7, 2014, for Xbox One, PS4™, Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PS3™.

For more information and to keep ahead with the latest news, find us at www.alienisolation.com, follow us on www.facebook.com/alienisolation and join the conversation on www.twitter.com/alienisolation


Alien: Isolation is shaping up to be one of our most anticipated games of the entire year. That is saying quite a bit, as the past games have been rubbish.

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We finally may have an authentic Alien experience with this title, and the sound design will play a major role in that.

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