Sony E3 Trailers & Our Recap


I have to admit that I was sort of in and out during this press conference. Not because I dislike PlayStation (I personally own ever US console they made), but because I’m making sure everything is set to go here with the GAMbIT on-site staff covering the event. Still, I did see what Sony had on offer and saw some pretty cool things.


This is a weird one as the game is already on Steam in early access, or at least I think it is. Still, not that many mech games around these days so to be able to play one on a console seems like a really cool thing. It’ll be impossible not to make comparisons to Mech Warrior, but that’s not a bad thing if HAWKEN can live up to that series. From the trailer it sure looks like it might.It’s just too bad that Sony doesn’t have some sort of VR unit they could pair with this… Hold on, just a second I’m getting news via my fingers that they do.

God of War

For having only a PS3 for most of the last console generation you may find it strange that I never played God of War 3. Oh, I have it on my shelf above me, I just never got around to playing it. Still, I have played the game a little with friends, as well of the originals and their remasters, so I’m well versed on the series. So it’s good that Sony dropped a gameplay trailer showing our favorite murderer in viking land. It looks pretty as all hell, just like the last entry, but my concern is what’s left? Kratos v Jesus is going to be pretty epic someday. Until then punching the shit out of demons looks fun.

The Last Guardian

We had the pleasure of check out The Last Guardian last year behind closed doors and it look pretty good in motion. I loved Shadow of the Colossus, but something about the art style employed here just feels sort of off. I can’t really explain it and since I haven’t gotten any hand on time to play it can’t comment on controls, but this title has yet to grab me. I’m still very interested in seeing where this goes, but it’s the sort of game I need hands on time with before it clicks. Feel free to commence the skewering of me in the comments below now…

Horizon Zero Dawn

This was another title that we checked out behind closed doors and picked as one of our games of the shoe last year. Seeing it now it looks even better and the world that the game is setting up is really interesting one. These mechanical animal beasts are really cool and there is something about Zero Dawn that begs to be played. This one could walk away with another award this year if it plays as well as it looks on the floor. This is one PS4 title that is on out radar.

Detroit Become Human

I’m calling this the game of the Sony E3 conference and on my list of possible Best of E3 winners. Sure, I’m a sucker for A.I. and robots becoming human (Blade Runner is my favorite movie ever) so it makes sense I dig what is happening here. The trailer is pretty powerful showing you losing the game, but it also opens up just how different you might approach the game than someone else. How this plays out is yet to be seen as it looks like a movie sort of thing with prompts right now, but there is something here that could turn into something really special. This is the best trailer of the show so far, in my opinion.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

So, is his game called Biohazard 7 Resident Evil back in Japan? That question aside it does look like Resident Evil is returning to its roots of being a horror game. That already a huge plus from the action game it slowly turned into over the years. Funny because this PSVR compatible game is pulling from the current slew of VR and horror games currently on Steam that were themselves inspired by Resident Evil. We sure seem to have come full circle with this one. It’s a good setup and jump scares in VR could be quite the nightmare fuel. This is one to keep an eye on.

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Days Gone

Here is a game that blew right by my radar. This could be because I;m sick of the end of the world sort of open-word games that have plagued us the past few years. Still, it stars the guy from The Force Unleashed and he’s a really cool dude. These sort of survival games were ruined for all of us, at least us PC players, thanks to Steam early access. Where Days Gone looks like it may work is in the narrative it is setting up about love and loss. There is some potential here as most ever survival game lacks any real story. While the game bills itself as an action-adventure that is open world, very little gameplay was actually shown so who really knows.

Spiderman PS4

Okay, so here is one that surprised the heck out of me. Sony announced that Insomniac Games is working on a new Spider-Man game and then dropped a trailer on us. Spider-Man 2 The Game still stands as the pinnacle of the series thanks mostly to its swinging, and all future games have tried and failed to capture that basic magic. The gamepolay looks fast and fluid, but without playing it we can’t say for sure. We do know that Insomniac is a great studio so the property is in good hands, but one can’t help find it weird to have an original Spider-Man game, let also Marvel game, that isn’t tied to any film.

PSVR Stuff

It only made sense that Sony pushed a number of PSVR titles ahead of the launch of the thing later this year, but they sure failed to really wow us. Resident Evil looked interesting in the horror space, but Sony also showed another horror title that makes me concerned that that’s all there may be to this VR craze. They did show a bit of a Star Wars VR project that lets you fly an X-Wing, but let’s face it, who really plays these games from the cockpit view? They also showed Batman VR, but didn’t show any gameplay so screw that, and they showed of Final Fantasy 15 in VR mode which just makes no fucking sense. Come on lads, you have all this fancy tech and the best you can do is some hallway simulators and games that work better not in VR. VR is so “meh” to me it’s not even fun to make fun of it anymore. If you want to spend the price of a new console on a headset and the new console that you need as well , just so you can wave your hands around like a goofball then be my guest.

Death Stranding

This is the game that fanboys everywhere have been waiting for and while I’m completely onboard with the #FuckKonami bandwagon, this one didn’t look like, well, anything. I love many of the MEtal Gear series, but I’ll be the first to admit that Hideo Kojima is highly overrated. Hie games play fine, but their narratives are so convoluted they have become a parady of themselves. The man has done amazing things, there is no doubt about that, but what I was afraid may be coming to pass. You see, when you have genius talents, often times what keeps them creative and pushing is the limitation that are placed on them by management or publishers. When you give someone weird like Kojima free reign you end up with Death Stranding. The game stars Norman Redus and, well, I don’t really know what else. It’s weird even for Kojima standards and looks pretentious as all hell. All that being said I’m excited because I like weird, but that weird has to have context and there is nothing here yet to go on. Breakdown the trailer below and honestly tell me you know whats going on.

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