Sony Insists That The PS4 MediEvil Game Is A Remake, Not A Remaster


Either way, it’s got some skeletons, so it’s Spooktober appropriate news.

Sony Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden has now gone on the record about the MediEvil remaster coming to PS4. Namely, stating that it’s not a remaster; it’s a remake. You know, despite the fact that the trailer from last year states that it’s a remaster.

He said as such on the PlayStation Blogcast:

I think there have been some words that might sound alike but mean different things – like remake and remaster. This is a remake. We’ve taken the original game design and we’ve taken a lot of the key art, some of the other attributes of the game design and ethos, if you will. And we’re working with a developer called Other Ocean Interactive, and they are remaking MediEvil in that design – the original MediEvil from PS1. The one that I worked on when I was in Tokyo.

I mean, he would know; as he says, he was on the original team for the game. Then again, the terminology for such things has been muddy, anyway. Though I’d argue the FF VII remake made it even worse, because it’s not even the same game anymore… but I digress.

Layden also went on to say that the original team is involved, even though they’re not working on the game directly:

We’re working with some of the talent that [was] originally associated with the title 20 years ago. So we’re making sure that we’re keeping it real, we’re keeping it to the original intent of the creators.

Either way, MediEvil was one of those games that I didn’t really get the chance to play back then, so the fact that it’s getting this new version is pretty cool. We won’t have to wait long for a new trailer, though; the second trailer for the game lands on Halloween.

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Source: IGN

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