Sony Delays All Summer Movies To 2021

Sony has announced that all their summer 2020 movie releases are being pushed back to 2021. This includes huge summer films such as Morbius and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. This comes after many studios have paused releases due to the ongoing global pandemic.

Many studios are pushing their films out to streaming platforms and going for digital releases, but this is only for films that already saw a minor theatrical run and those that they already assume won’t break the box office even if released. Let’s not pretend the movie studios are saints in this regard.

It is unclear when theaters will open again and how many smaller, local theaters will be able to survive an extended pandemic and shutdown. Most major summer releases from other studios have been pushed back into next year while a few are still holding off that theaters will be able to reopen by mid to late August.

I’m sure most people won’t mind the delayed-release dates but it also brings up a unique problem of reshuffling entire studio schedules. Movie studios plan out their major releases years ahead of time and while a single film being pushed isn’t a problem, an entire slate of major releases means everything planned for 2021 will also need to be moved around.

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