Sony Attempting To Get Into Mobile Gaming Market Using PlayStation Brand


Here we go again.

Sony seems to be aiming at the mobile market with their PlayStation brand again. Recently, they posted a listing for a potential “head of mobile” for PlayStation Studios.

Among the duties of this new position are the things you’d expect. But it also features the likes of building a relationship with the studio, planning a roadmap for the next3-5 years, and work with the team to develop “capabilities” in line with new mobile games.

To put things a bit more bluntly, they’re looking for someone to do for their mobile growth what Nintendo has done with some of their franchises on mobile (Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, Fire Emblem Heroes, Dr. Mario World, etc.). They have no stated plans for what games are headed to mobile, or what new franchises they’re cooking up. But it’s safe to say they’re aware of how lucrative the market can be, and they want a piece of it.

Some of you may remember Sony’s previous big run at the mobile market in the Xperia Play. That… didn’t turn out too well. But this time, it’s different; they’re not (seemingly) pairing their plan with hardware. As to whether this run will be successful, though, is for the future to decide.

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Source: Android Headlines

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