Sonic the Hedgehog #4 – Review

Title: Sonic the Hedgehog #4
Publisher: IDW
Writer: Ian Flynn
Artist: Evan Stanley
Release: Apr 25
Price: $3.99

“Sonic comes across a town under attack from the biggest Badnik force he’s ever seen. Luckily, help is on the way from his old friend Blaze, as well as a new hero!”

Sonic’s adventure continues as he searches for the person who is controlling the remnants of Robotnik’s robot army. Sonic the Hedgehog #4 doesn’t slow things down, instead it ramp’s up the action as we get a number of extended action scenes throughout the book that are a whole lot of fun.

There’s just something about the art style that really works, especially when the action kicks in. There isn’t a lot of details in the backgrounds this issue, which is a shame, but the book moves so fast that it isn’t too distracting. The art and coloring are more solid this time around which really helps since the focus is really on the action this issue.

Since the series is still getting underway this issue helps introduce us to two characters: one from the classic Sonic timeline in Blaze the Cat and one new to the series in the form of Tangle. Tangle seems to be some sort of Lemur and her attacks focus on her tail. She has a fantastic design that fits right into the world very naturally. She’s also pretty adorable and sure to become a fan favorite.

Sonic runs into her as she is busy defending her town, and this sets up some really fun and playful banter between the two. The story also very gently inserts her as a potential love interest, but it’s very underplayed. It’s the art in conjunction with the dialogue that hints at this and it feels really nice, and pretty natural. How is it that a Sonic comic gets flirting right where so many other major comics simply can’t?

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As the pair get overrun from enemy robots, Blaze the Cat makes her appearance. I only really know her from that Sonic Rush game from the DS, but I really love her design here. Again, I’m really appreciating this art among a world of dark and series comic books that have taken over store shelves.

The trio continue to take the fight to the robots before finally saving the town from their mysterious attacker. Again, it’s not a heady book relying far more on fun action to build up these new characters. It’s a simple story of save the town, but it works well enough and it’s always moving forward.

Sonic the Hedgehog #4 does just enough to explain to readers who everyone is while offering up an exiting adventure. The book closes like past issues have with the new characters going on their own little adventure (in this case Blaze helping Tangle clean up her town) with Sonic continuing on to unravel the mystery of who is running the remnants of Robotnik’s robot army.

The book leaves us on another cliffhanger, this time hinting a a possible return of Robotnik. I understand that he has to be involved as this is a Sonic comic, but I’d really like it is he became a secondary antagonist and that the series does not blow it with their potential big villain.

“Sonic the Hedgehog reminds us that comic books can be a lot of fun!”

Final Score:


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