Sonic the Hedgehog has been modded into Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Quelle surprise.

In the grand scheme of things, everything comes full circle. And considering the Sonic fanbase, it’s really no surprise that there’s Sonic mods for lots of games. But the Sonic the Hedgehog mod for Dragon Ball FighterZ is almost too on the nose.

Especially since, due to the modder’s choice of base character, he can go Super Saiyajin Sonic. Since the model fits over Teen Gohan, you can watch him fire off a Kamehameha with Goku by his side.

The mods are a collaborative effort between BeatzYT3, SirGiygas, NibrocRock, and _Mizumi. They’re also not exactly done yet. Voice lines need replacing, among other things.

All that said, you can wake me up when we get the real players into the game.

Source: PC Gamer

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