Sonic Forces Hands-On Impressions

We managed to get some hands on time with Sonic forces. Sadly, you could only pick between one of three choices (Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, and Coldsteel the Hedgeheg Custom Character in the demo. We went with Classic Sonic, which wound up being a boss fight against the Egg Dragoon.

From what I felt, the demo felt as tight as Generations. Which is good; That was the first really good Sonic game in a while. And by that, I mean people didn’t dump on it.

As much as I liked it, a single boss fight isn’t the best way to judge an upcoming game. Admittedly, it was two stages; starting with the first boss from Sonic 1, and then the Egg Dragoon. The latter of which felt good. You had opportunities to attack only when he dug up chunks of iron among the dirt chunks sent your way. You then had to jump on them before he destroyed them with a drill.

I will say that the Modern Sonic and Custom character Sonic Forces demos probably had more to play with, judging from what I saw of others playthroughs. I was, however, disappointed that I missed a perfect score by a slight margin of time. Much like that one kid you knew in school, that “A” will haunt me.

Skip to 11:42 in the video below from our livestream to see Sonic Forces in action:

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