Sonic Dreams Collection is the best/creepiest Sonic thing ever

Sonic Dreams Collection

Sonic Dreams Collection is a collection of Sonic based games that never saw the light of day. These games are extremely early prototypes and may or may not be fully functional. Okay, so I’m bull-shitting you but what I’m not making up is that this pack by Arcane Kids is the best Sonic related content to come out in a long time. You may not care about Sonic, but for the love of all the is holy you need to experience “Sonic Movie Maker” and “My Roommate Sonic” as they are works of art.

Sonic Dreams Collection

There are four games listed in this Sega Dreams collection:

Make My Sonic

Eggman Origin

Sonic Movie Maker

My Roommate Sonic

Go and try out the Sonic Dreams Collection for yourself by visiting the secret website: The special password to get inside is ‘grandpa.’


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