Someone Finally Made The Game From The Video For Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication


It’s understood that Hollywood sells Californication.

You may, or may not, remember the music video for Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Californication, based entirely on whether you’ve seen it or not. Because the one thing it isn’t is forgettable; it’s probably something that stuck with you since the turn of the millennium. The video notably features a mock up of a video game where the band runs through some sort of mix of Grand Theft Auto and Tony Hawk’s Existential Nightmare Pro Skater. And the song’s pretty rad, to boot.

And it spawned no end of urban legends, notably that it was a totally real game that would be released some day. And, in a roundabout way, that became true. Enter one Miquel Camps Ortega.

I wanted to play that game so bad! it’s 2022 and i haven’t seen anyone made the game so I challenged myself to create it. I have selected some epic moments from the video and turned into 7 levels each one with different game mechanics, I hope you like this game.

Miquel Camps Ortega

The game’s free, and you can play it right now. It covers a number of points from the video, and does a pretty great job at recreating it visually, slightly plastic and doughy 5th/6th gen models and all. The one thing it doesn’t have is, well, the music. There are, however, in-game buttons allowing you to stream it and covers of it off of YouTube from a browser while you’re playing. And, bonus, there are versions of the game that’ll run on Windows, Mac, and Android.

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Well, there’s one more thing crossed off the list. If you’d told me last month that the game from the Californication music video would be a real thing, I’d have laughed. But here we are.

Source: PC Gamer

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