So long, Internet Explorer


It’s weird: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has held dominance over the browser market for years, despite it being almost universally reviled. Actually, scratch that, I can’t think of anyone who would bang the drum for IE. Well, those days are over, as Microsoft has formally announced that when it rolls out Windows 10 on April 15, Internet Explorer will go the way of the buffalo.

From The Daily Dot:

A new browser, codenamed Spartan, is being developed by Microsoft for release with Windows 10, the tech giant’s upcoming operating system, ZDNet reports.

According to multiple sources from the report, the browser will look and act more like Chrome and Firefox, two competitors that have taken a huge chunk of users from Microsoft over the last decade. Spartan will support extensions and aim to be a much more lightweight program than Internet Explorer currently is.

Spartan will also have Cortana functionality. It’s amazing that it took Microsoft this long to get the memo that Chrome and Firefox are eating its browser for lunch (Opera and Safari still suck).

So cherish your time with Explorer, for it won’t last much longer. Good night, sweet prince.

Thanks to Uproxx for the heads up.

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