Snag The Back To The Future Inspired Hoverboard In Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online Hoverboard

We can’t go without posting something Back To The Future related today, the day that Marty McFly went into the future and now technically the past! Lot’s of games are no doubt doing something fun, but Star Trek Online, a game that I play from time to time, has a fun little freebie for players.

From now until Monday October 26th players can snag a free, account unlocked Future Flyer power board from the in-game C-Store. Just log into the game and visit the store and get to flying! This is a limited promotion and word is it won’t be coming back.

There doesn’t seem to be a limit on the item, so you cam claim a dozen of them if you want and outfit your entire crew. Or, if you are a douche, sell them after the promotion to players that missed out.

Star Trek Online Hoverboard


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