The Smart Credit Card of the Eventual Future

Credit Card

The future of credit card theft is going to be really weird.

Dynamics has been hard at work to build a better credit card. Over time, they’ve made things such as cards with rewriteable magnetic strips, allowing for function as multiple cards. Their latest, however, is a bit of a doozy.

While being no thicker than a regular credit card, the connected Wallet Card includes the aforementioned multi-functionality. But that’s old news; it also has an E-Ink that displays relevant information, like the card number or owner’s name, as well as current promotional deals thanks to the second innovation. It also contains a GSM cellular antenna that connects to the Sprint network, allowing the possibility of promotion data to be sent to it.

Sadly, despite the fact that it offers a number of security benefits over the current crop of cards, U.S. banks are pretty slow to adopt new technology. A card that can be reprogrammed after data theft would save them the cost of producing another card. That said, several European banks plan to implement the new cards as early as next year. So who knows; you might, eventually, see these cards filter their way into the U.S. over the next decade or so.

Source: Gizmodo

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