The Sims 4 Expands Gender Customization Options

The Sims 4

The team behind The Sims 4 is excited that today’s free update to The Sims 4 features an expanded Create A Sim mode with new gender customization options, and gives our players even more ways to play with life. This plan to break down the walls has been in development for quite sometime, and now everyone can make a Sim that better represents themselves.

For the first time, you’ll be able to customize your Sims without the gender boundaries that every game in the series has used This means you can now create Sims with any type of physique, walk style, and tone of voice you choose – regardless of their gender.

On top of the basic gender options being changed clothing, hair, jewelry, and other visual options will now be available to all Sims. That’s over 700 pieces of content that was once locked to only male or female Sims.. This also includes content from The Sims 4 base game and previously launched packs.

The Sims is made by a diverse team for a diverse audience, and it’s really important to those working on it that players are able to be creative and express themselves through the game. The Sims 4 team wants to make sure players can create characters they can identify with or relate to through powerful tools that give them influence over a Sims gender, age, ethnicity, body type and more.

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The Sims 4

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