Side-scrolling MOBA ‘Hyper Universe’ launches on Xbox One

I thought Hyper Universe was dead, but since MOBA’s were dropping left and right you’ll forgive me for thinking that. I actually got some time with Hyper Universe back when it was released on PC and we had some fun with the idea. It’s just weird reporting about a MOBA when Battle Royale is all the rage.

At launch, 39 characters, each with unique combat abilities and eclectic styles will be available. Hypers will battle in two maps: Delta Station, a military outpost commanded by a powerful captain, and Dragon Refuge, a lush forest environment with a huge dragon hiding deep within the jungle.

Additional features include a Custom Match, which helps players practice their skills with friends, and Spectate mode, which allows players to find other Hypers’ matches to observe.

As part of the official launch celebration event, from August 7 to September 10, 2018, players who play and win ten matches will receive an Xbox One exclusive Aurora’s Blade Skin for Allen.

Also, daily and weekly missions will offer Hypers additional skin rewards, including a coupon to unlock almost any skin in the game.

Hypers and skins will be available in the new Hyper Shop, with Hypers rotating weekly providing a variety of free characters during gameplay.

Players can also purchase the Ultimate Hypers Pack for $19.99 on Xbox One. The deal includes instant access to all Hypers at launch, all future Hypers, and six Xbox-exclusive Hyper skins and unique equipment for Arslan, Athena, Blue Rose, Cain, Ignitia and Turner to show off on the battlefield.

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Hyper Universe is an Xbox One X Enhanced game with 4K Ultra HD and HDR, for all that’s worth.


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