Showboating Starcraft Player gets Banned from Tourney


Who’d have thought?

It’s safe to say Lim “Larva” Gong Hyu is good at Starcraft. So much so, that even during a match, he’s able to waste a few seconds with unusual stunts. Like, say, playing with his feet, making his units dance, or even taking a mock nap. And still win his finals matches.

The organizers of the tournament, however, took a pretty dim view of Larva’s disrespect of his opponent. They’ve banned him from future Zotac (the computer company that organized the tournament) tournaments, and issued a statement on Weibo (in Chinese, natch):

We also want to promise not to invite any professional or non-professional players with a similar track record from participating in Zotac Cup competitions […] Zotac really, really hopes Korean player Larva would apologize to his opponent Legend Luo Xian for his uncivilized personal behavior during the competition.

It’s not been made clear as to the exact nature of his ban (the English post about the matter doesn’t even mention one, much less Larva himself), i.e. whether it’s immutable, or if there’s a way of repealing it. That said, Larva is a damn good Starcraft player, so he’ll probably land on his feet. Assuming he isn’t playing with them.

Source: PC Gamer

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