Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux hits the 3DS

The time has come to embark on a journey to decide the fate of humanity in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, available now both physically and digitally on the Nintendo 3DS.

Your choices dictate which path you’ll travel down; whether you side with Law, Neutrality, or Chaos is entirely up to you. For Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey veterans, Redux introduces three alternate endings; a menagerie of new demons, additional difficulty settings, and the mysterious and dangerous new character, Alex.

It’s an entirely new adventure, so brush up on your demon negotiation skills and prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Redux Features:

A Stranger Journey Back – In Strange Journey Redux, you play as a brave United Nations soldier investigating a spatial anomaly called the Schwarzwelt-a dome of dark energy that threatens to consume the world. Inside, you’ll find it home to a nightmare mirror of our own Earth, populated with demons dying to meet you.

The game touts brand-new illustrations by Masayuki Doi, updated visuals, UI tweaks, and more to make this journey back into the Schwarzwelt … even stranger.

·Additional Story Content and a Brand-new Character – You won’t be retreading the same nightmarish path as before because a brand-new character named Alex will play a major role in how the story unfolds.

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Much about her is a mystery, but there is one thing you know for sure: she’s got a bone to pick with you. Joining her are new demons you might recognize from other SMT entries, new endings, and a new dungeon to discover.

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