Shantae and the Seven Sirens review: waifus as far as the eye can see

Bikini wiggles just in time for summer

Shantae, in a lot of ways, has become the new Mario. I do not mean that simply because this is a traditional 2D platformer, rather, I mean that a new Shantae release is always a safe bet. It has become a series that critics and fans have assigned a certain level of quality to. You know you are getting amazing visuals, great platforming, tight controls, and lots of neat powers.

Shantae and the Seven Sirens is no exception. There are so many games out there that I am on the self about, especially with my looming credit cards bills. It is human nature to gravitate to what one already loves and hope that there is just enough new in the mix to keep you coming back. It is why the Mario series works so well.

Animated cut-scenes are great here

In this fifth entry in the series, we get a new world to explore with a lot of familiar friends and enemies. What is new this time around is the introduction of other half-genie heroes; five in total. You have all been called to an island getaway for a big performance and on the might of the show your new friends are all captured and locked away in each of the game’s worlds.

 It is a nice, if basic, setup for the game, but the introduction of the new half-genies is a lot of fun. Look, I am a sucker for that WayForward art style and it is on full display here. Characters are super cute and just risky enough to be a little lewd without going over the top. The game even pokes fun of itself in the dialogue about this which is always good for a chuckle.

But they are more than cuties just for show. As with previous games Shantae can earn abilities to transform into creatures to help her advance in the world, or to come back and reach new areas. Newly added is the fusion ability that lets Shantae borrow the abilities of the other half-genies. Saving them is only a part of it as you will also need to locate a fusion coin to take the full of their powers.

Along the way you can also collect monster cards to keep those completionests out there grinding. And you’ll want to as meeting new monsters is always a blast thanks to their adorable designs. Shantae and the Seven Sirens is a really beautiful game which is only made better thanks to the tons of animated cut-scenes. WayForward knows their stuff and do not hold back and they have totally sold me on a Shantae animated series with the quality.

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Enemy designs are great

Your belly dance ability is in full action as well. Allowing Shante to access all sorts of things. Maybe you activate something or uncover hidden objects and platforms. It is a simple mechanic but one that works surprisingly well as understanding Shantae’s abilities is key to making progress. Shantae is a charming character in a charming game that is hard to dislike even if you try.

The game itself is also much larger than what has come before. It adopts the MetroidVania style of gameplay that fits the series like a glove. You’ll be putting in some hours into the game and because of the way everything is laid out you won’t hate backtracking because chances are you are opening up a new area or path. The loss of the game overworld is the best thing this entry brings to the series.

Best girl

If you like hot ladies and lwed waifus, the game has you covered. If you want solid platforming gameplay, it has that too. Fun powerups are on point alongside lots of collectables. Sure, I think the game looks great too, but I wished it looked a little more impressive. The rumors are true that this started as a mobile game then it makes sense. It is still beautiful but does have you wanting a bit more pop to the characters and animations at points. Some loading times seem a little high but are manageable.

That is not a lot of complaints for such a big game. Shantae and the Seven Sirens is easily the best game in a series that has always managed to top itself with each entry. Fans of the series will be right at home and it is new player friendly so that anyone can take part in this fun little adventure.

Shantae and the Seven Sirens is easily the best game in a series that has always managed to top itself with each entry

Final Score: 4/5

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