Shane Black is rebooting Predator

This is really confusing news. On the one hand, you have the groan-worthy prospect of a Predator reboot by a cash-hungry studio who will probably insist on a PG-13 rating. On the other, you have the exciting prospect of a new Shane Black movie. If you don’t know who that is, you suck at watching movies. Black wrote Lethal Weapon and The Last Boy Scout, and wrote and directed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3. This is like finding out that I get to hang out with Bryan Cranston, but only if he gets to nail my girlfriend. JK I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m gonna die alone.

From The Hollywood Reporter:

Black will write the treatment for the project, then will hand over scripting duties to Fred Dekker, his university chum with whom he wrote 1987’s Monster Squad. Black will oversee the writing and is also attached to direct.

Are you fucking kidding me? That’s awesome. My only reservation is Dekker, who wrote RoboCop 3, because fuck that movie. We’ll keep you up to date on this as it develops.


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