Serious Duke 3D Mod Gives You A True 3D Duke Experience

Hail to the Froggy, baby.

It’s entirely possible that any given Duke fan might not be terribly happy with Gearbox’s treatment of possibly his most ionic game. Well, thanks to Syndroid over on Steam, you have options. Namely, a Serious Sam 3 mod titled Serious Duke 3D.

Serious Duke 3D is a remake of episode one of Duke Nukem 3D. Except, it’s not just a remake in the Serious Sam 3 engine; it’s a re-imagining. There are new areas and events, and even new weapons to go along with it. Hell, you can step into Duke’s boots yourself, as there’s even a VR mode for the mod.

Granted, for all of this, you need to own Serious Sam 3 (and the VR version for the VR mod) installed through Serious Same Fusion. That said, Syndroid seems to have done one hell of a job on the mod. And best of all, it’s free! So go and show some love.

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