Serial SWATter Guilty of Kansas Death Caught

Literally 2 hours after I finished my article.

Well, in a very short turn around, the SWATter that made the call that lead to a Wichita, Kansas man being killed by the police has been caught.

25-year-old Tyler Raj Barriss has been arrested by the LAPD in connection with the incident. But that’s not all; he’s been arrested for his bullshit before. He was responsible for the 2015 ABC 7 bomb threat, for which he was also arrested, as well as others mentioned in my previous article. And I’d just like to say, as someone who lived two blocks away at the time, fuck you, I hope you drop the soap.

Presumably, he either got let off the hook, or his turn in court was taking extra long. Considering he had three felony counts against him (two felony counts of false report of bomb to agency or business, one felony count of criminal threats and one misdemeanor count of dissuading a witness from reporting a crime, as per the page linked above) you’d think he’d keep clean. He was clearly too stupid for that. So his trial is going to be super interesting.

But wait! It gets better! During the period between the SWATting and the arrest, he called Keemstar to try and defend his actions like the little sociopath he is. And since I’m a genuinely good guy, and I’m not going to force anyone to sit through Keemstar constantly popping his P’s for several minutes the video below should take you to 4:52, when the call actually starts.

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Let me just say, you have to be a real piece of shit to make me sit through 10 minutes of Keemstar. And agree with him.

To put it bluntly, he says just enough to save face in his own eyes, but not enough to make him remotely sympathetic. About the only thing he says that’s factually true is that he isn’t the only person responsible for the incident. The Call of Duty players that started the whole thing may not be guilty of anything you can charge them with, but they were absolutely the genesis of the entire incident. Either way, the next few years of Barriss’ life are likely to be very interesting. And the next few weeks/months of mine are probably going to be miserable because of that.

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