Segway Shows Off New Self-Balancing Wheelchair


Your Professor X cosplay is now complete.

Segway’s new S-Pod now offers all the convenience of their trademark product, without requiring you to stand. Granted, it also affords you an opportunity to shake the nerdy stigma of its brother; I recommend a highball in one hand, a smoking jacket, and maybe a monocle. Or just bling it, whatever floats your boat.

The S-Pod runs on the same gyroscope technology its predecessor does. That said, there is one little difference; how you control it. Rather than by leaning (which is not conducive to a sitting position unless you’re bobsledding), it’s controlled via a tiny joystick on the right hand side.

According to Segway-Ninebot, the S-Pod was inspired by the gyrospheres in Jurassic World. And indeed, with a top speed of 24 mph, you might well feel like you’re being attacked by a sauropod (or maybe just having a bout of adrenaline from all that air whooshing past you in such a form of conveyance). Which, thankfully, allows me to trot out one of my favorites:

The power of high-speed sitting is too much for mere mortals, I think.*

*Yes, I know cars exist, stop ruining the joke.

The S-Pod is not the only thing Segway-Ninebot is showing off at CES, though. They also have a few electric scooters and mopeds to show off, with eyes on a multinational market. Either way, the S-Pod is set to debut sometime around third quarter 2020, with a more public rollout in 2021.

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Oh, and I’m pretty sure this is but one step towards Motion Picture Robert’s superior future:

Well, I’ve ruined everything. My job here is done.

Source: The Verge

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