SEGA’s 60th Anniversary Sale Is Live On Steam; Comes With Free Sonic 2


The challenge will always be there.

SEGA’s hit a big anniversary; 60 years in business. And to celebrate, practically their entire catalog on steam is now on sale. And there are some deep discounts there. But there are two things that need to be acknowledged first.

Namely that, in celebration of this milestone, they’re giving away the Genesis-era classic, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for free to anyone that wants it. It’s probably one of my favorites from the Genesis library, and I’d argue, one of the best made Sonic games ever made. Definitely pick it up.

Also, for the weekend (or what remains of it depending on when you read this) you can play Total War: WARHAMMER II for free. Sure, it’s just a free weekend, but it’s worth mentioning.

SEGA has a massive catalog of games on Steam, though. And, with all of them on sale, it’s hard to sit and list everything worth the pickup. So here’s a bit of a cross-section of what can be found in the sale. Some of the deepest, best cuts SEGA has to offer.

SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics – 50% off, $7.72

That’s right, for less than a single Hamilton, you can get 58 of Sega’s most memorable titles from the early to mid 90’s. Which, frankly, is an excellent deal, as it would normally cost you over $60 to get them piecemeal.

Dreamcast Collection Bundle – 82% off, $10.66

While somewhat smaller that the above bundle, there’s still some damn quality games here; Crazy Taxi, SEGA Bass Fishing, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2, Space Channel 5: Part 2 (RIP KoP), Jet Set Radio (hi funky uncle!), and Nights into Dreams (technically a Saturn game, but it’s great, so who cares?). It’s really all you want.

Persona 4 Golden – 20% off, $14.99
Deluxe Edition – 30% off, $17.49

Basically the only reasonable way to play Persona 4 Golden, which is otherwise trapped permanently on the Vita. While not the deepest of discounts, still a good choice.

Yakuza 0 – 75% off, $4.99
Yakuza Kiwami – 50% off, $9.99
Yakuza Kiwami 2 – 50% off, $14.99

If you were looking to get into the Yakuza series, this would be a pretty good start. Smash some heads, let a chicken run part of your Kamurocho real estate empire, realize that Mark Hamill as Majima was the best part of the English dub of the first Yakuza game. It’s good stuff.

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Bayonetta – 75% off, $4.99

It’s a Hideki Kamiya game. And it’s $5. If that didn’t sell it for you, you deserve that Twitter block.

Valkyria Chronicles – 66% off, $6.79
Valkyria Chronicles 4 – 66% off, $16.99

If you haven’t played any of the series, this would be a fairly good place to start. The sheer pedigree behind the game alone should tell yo the sort of tactical RPG you’re in for with it.

Alien: Isolation – 75% off, $9.99

This is a genuinely good Alien game. Much better than a 7, 7 1/2 game. And yeah, I’m including it specifically as a fuck you to Randy. I’m a dick like that, sometimes.

Sonic Generations Collection – 75% off, $4.99
Sonic Mania – 75% off, $4.99
Encore DLC – 50% off, $2.49

I managed to hold off my Hedgehog mania ’til the end. But they’re the best Sonic games released in the past decade. Sonic Generations celebrates some of the best moments of the franchise up until that point, even giving some of the … less than stellar moments a hard spitshine that even the most cynical bastard couldn’t deny enjoying. And Sonic Mania? Just a damn good Sonic game that throws it back to the past. And let’s be honest, most people would argue it’s the one good Sonic game released that year.

Also of note is that all of the Total War games are on sale, but my experience with them is incredibly limited, so I didn’t feel right recommending them. But otherwise, there’s a heap of SEGA there. To be that good, takes AGES. To be that good, takes SEGA.

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