SEGA drops Two trailers for new Sonic Games


Sega announced two new Sonic games For Sonic’s 25th anniversary.

The first, Sonic Mania, takes a step back into Sonic’s past. Literally. It is exactly the sort of Sonic game that people have been waiting for; old-school sprites, classic physics, traditional platforming, and only the core characters (Sonic, Tails & Knuckles). It does bring something new to the table, though; the drop dash, which allows you to transition from a jump right into an low powered, immediate spin dash. It’s already shaping up to be a more worthy successor than Sonic 4 ever was.


Also announced was “Project Sonic 2017”. But let’s be honest, it’s Generations 2, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. The first one is widely regarded as being the first genuinely good Sonic game in quite some time (even though Colors preceded it and the daytime levels of Unleashed were what led to both of them). There’s little more than a teaser, so anything more is speculation, but if it turns out as expected it will be a great game.

Needless to say, there are a few who are unhappy about the announcements, as they all expected Big’s Big Fishing Adventure 3. I suppose they’ll just have to cry like an anime fan on prom night.

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