Sega announces Streets of Rage 4

I could write an entire piece about the history of Street of Rage 4 and all the companies that have tried to take a stab at the legendary beat ’em up.

Sega has finally given the go-ahead after all these years and publisher Dotemu (Wonder Boy, Windjammers) and developers Lizardcube (Wonder Boy) and Guard Crush Games today are getting the chance.

Revealed today Streets of Rage 4 is an all-new continuation of SEGA’s iconic arcade brawler series known for its radical fights, jammin’ ‘90s beats and dashing sparring gloves and bandanas.

Featuring hand-drawn visuals Streets of Rage 4 builds upon the classic trilogy’s gameplay with new mechanics, a fresh story and a gauntlet of dangerous stages with a serious crime problem.

Streets of Rage 4 recalls classic gameplay but it stands as an entirely original arcade-style romp thanks to the expertise of Guard Crush Games and Dotemu.

Whether players gang up with a friend or clean up the city solo, Streets of Rage 4 is a skull-bashing, chicken-chomping delight all set to a thumping soundtrack sure to get your blood pumping.

To keep up to date on all things Streets of Rage 4, punch your keyboard until it types

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