Seedi Seeks to be First Disc-Based Retro System on the Market


It can do Neo Geo CD. Get hype.

Disc-based systems are fragile things. Which is why having a retro emulation system that’ll work with them would be awesome. Sadly, we haven’t really heard anything about the Polymega in several months. Whereas the Seedi (CD, get it?) is on the way – and we’ve actually seen it working.

It covers the same systems as the Polymega – Sega CD, TurboGrafx CD, PlayStation 1, and Neo Geo CD – as well as DOS games, and ROM emulation for NES, Sega Genesis, MAME (arcade), Game Boy (original, color, GBA), Atari 2600 and TurboGrafx 16 (sadly, no SNES support… yet). As an aside, it has Sega Genesis and Gameboy cartridge support through Retrode. It also has multimedia functions, allowing you to play DVDs, Music CDs and DVDs, play standard video and music formats, and with a little bit of work, streaming video from YouTube and the like. And it does it all for less than half of Polymega’s projected price (judging by Seedi’s IndieGoGo page).

Granted, Seedi isn’t here yet. It has an IndieGoGo running to get funding for production, and a projected launch of March 2018. With about ²⁄3 of a month to go, they’re about ¹⁄3 of the way to their goal. And even the Seedi Team is aware of the pitfalls of crowdfunding. But I have a feeling that, with enough support, it’ll deliver, baby.

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