Second DLC multiplayer content pack ‘Hell Followed’ for DOOM is out now

I loved everything about the new DOOM except the lackluster multiplayer. It wasn’t bad per say, there just wasn’t anything really special to it. Since DOOM was always single-player first this wasn’t a big deal, although I do wish these DLC packs would add to the core story instead of buffing the “meh” multiplayer.

Hell Followed, the second DLC multiplayer content pack for DOOM, is out now. Adding even more to the game’s fast-paced multiplayer, Hell Followed includes three new maps, the new Reaper weapon, new Hack Modules and Taunts, and Threat Pulse, a new equipment item that scans for nearby enemies. We’re also adding the fan-favorite Cacodemon as a new player-controlled demon for multiplayer. Transform into the Cacodemon to take down enemies with blasts of bile and lethal tongue lashes.

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