Supergirl: Season 1 Recap; Out Today On Blu-Ray

Supergirl Season 1

Season 1 of Supergirl has made it’s way to Blu-Ray. And as a bit of prep for those that didn’t watch it, a short recap of some of the highlights. Especially since it was picked up by The CW.

I laughed myself hoarse when I heard "shape shifter". Good job guys, I didn't see that one coming 'till I was right up on it.

The reveal that Hank was not in fact Hank, but rather J’onn J’onzz was something of a turning point for the series. After that, there were fewer totally episodic plots. And having one of the most powerful members of the DC roster on the show, yet also reticent to actually use his powers in any meaningful way lent a bit to drama.

Supergirl - World's Finest-0

The crossover they had with The Flash was pretty enjoyable, even though Barry didn’t exactly think through the whole “throwing lightning at an electricity-based villain” thing. A notable episode, since it established the show as at least part of the Berlanti multiverse. Also features Barry’s complete inability to fool Cat Grant into believing his crap.


I’ll round it out with their Red Kryptonite episode. Sadly, it featured no Super Pope Hat™, but enough of Kara acting like a jerk to fit the bill for such things. Aside from forcing J’onn out into the spotlight just to hold her back, it did one other thing. If you ever wound up watching The Devil Wears Prada and found yourself wondering why Meryl Streep’s character never got chucked off of a building, this episode had you covered.

If you want to read each episodes in-depth review be sure to use the search function to find them here on the site. The BluRay of season 1 features a lot of extras that fans of the series are going to get a kick out of. The set comes on three BluRay discs, so you can expect to spend some real time combing through everything. Warner sent us over a copy of the set and all the extras include:

  • Supergirl: 2015 Comic-Con Panel
  • Warner Bros. Television Presents a Night of DC Entertainment at Comic-Con 2015: Supergirl
  • The Man From Mars Documentary: Superman once described J’onn J’onzz as “the most powerful being on the face of the Earth.” This documentary will explore J’onn J’onzz’s current circumstances on Supergirl as the alien who has sworn an oath to a dying father to protect his human daughter and DEO agent, Alex Danvers.
  • A World Left Behind: Kyrpton Documentary – Kara Zor-El’s home world of Krypton was destroyed in the opening minutes of the pilot. It was a spectacular futuristic society world filled with mystery and intrigue! This documentary will explore the history of this famous planet and it’s role and depiction in Supergirl.
  • Gag Reel
  • Deleted Scenes
  • UltraViolet code so you can enjoy the film on many different compatible devices
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Supergirl Season 1 BluRay

Supergirl Season 1


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