Sean Bean narrates Civilization VI E3 walkthrough

Civ VI

2K and Firaxis Games today released the exclusive behind-closed-doors theater presentation for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI at E3 2016, narrated by Sean Bean. That’s right, everyone’s favorite guy that always dies in movies is back, and he’s showing off all the cool things you can expect to see with Civilization VI. During E3 another contributor was talking about the Civ series and how I still had a game saved on my ancient iBook of Civilization 2.

But enough about me, you can check out the video that calls back every Civilization that has come before below:

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI is launching on Oct 21st for Windows PC. For the latest news on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, visit the official site, follow @CivGame on Twitter.

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