SDCC 2017: The Flash Movie will be an Adaptation of Flashpoint

The Flash

Oh, that’s a really good idea, Warner Bros.

Hey remember those rumors about Ben Affleck being phased out as Batman? Well, get ready to dump some gasoline on that fire. Because The Flash movie will (according to an SDCC panel today) be adapting Flashpoint.

Look, Warner Bros. I don’t know if you want Ben out, or Ben wants out, or if it’s a mutual wanting out kind of deal. But dropping what basically amounts to a reboot is pretty dumb. Sure, it lets you purge the crap from canon. It also makes it harder for people to like your movies. It would’ve been better to not be in this position in the first place.

And that’s not taking into account that this isn’t the first time you’ve tried something unnecessarily ambitious with a character’s first solo outing. This keeps happening because there’s no real buildup. Your first in universe Flash movie is going to be a massive reboot. Your first in universe Batman movie was a crossover. You’re skipping over all of the little things that make these ideas work in the first place. It’s like making a nuclear reactor by tossing a rod of plutonium in a doughboy.

Wonder Woman was good, because it did things in the right order. But, while this will let you convincingly move Ben out of the role, it’ll also cheat The Flash from growing on your audience. Why do you want that? That’s not even getting into the usual problems with time travel shenanigans, either. Really, we all need to hope this turns out better than it sounds.

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