SDCC 2017: Deal to keep Comic-Con in San Diego Through 2021

SDCC reup

Ahhh, San Diego.

San Diego Comic-Con has, more frequently of late, had a turbulent past with the city. It brings tourism and resultant cash in like no one’s business, but it also takes up sizeable infrastructure. At the same time, it blasts the crap out of an area of the city via the sheer number of SDCC attendees. So, it’s not exactly surprising that it tends to take a bit of dealing to keep the contract up with the city… and keep other cities from luring it away.

But worry not, true believers. SDCC has reupped with the city through 2021. The same agreements with hotels and the like are also still in place. So if you’re lucky enough to go, go with the knowledge that this institution will say in place. Well, for the next 4 years, at least.

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