SDCC 2017: Captain Marvel is Taking Place in the 90’s

captain marvel

Dust off your POGs and get ready for some Crossfire.

Little was shown of Captain Marvel at SDCC this year. But they did give us a few little tidbits.

Chiefly, that the movie will be set in the 90’s. Which is funny, because the 90’s were kind of a horrible decade for comics. Holofoil collectible first issues, anyone? Ken Penders’ initial love affair with echdinas Echyd’nyas? Fuckin’, the Clone Saga?! You know what, this might be super clever. If Marvel can rip into themselves, it’ll be a hoot. Generic 90’s Grunge song!

The other major reveal, however, was that she’d be battling the shapeshifting Skrulls. Which is interesting, because they’re traditionally caught up in the mess of movie rights between Fox and Marvel (the Skrulls were frequent Fantastic Four villains). Could this be the beginning of something most excellent?

Oh, and Nick Fury will be in the movie. And he’ll also have depth perception again, since it’s set before he lost his eye. Whaddaya wanna bet this is how he loses it?

Captain Marvel is set to release March 8, 2019.

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~Oh God, the frosted tips will be off the charts, we’ve been running on Guy Fieri for so long, we’re all gonna die.~

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