Scottish Politician Questions How Valve Can “get away with this kind of stupidity” In Regards To Rape Day

Rape Day

I am so fucking sick of having to write about this game.

You know, I was happy that Valve decided not to allow Rape Day onto Steam. It meant I wouldn’t have to write about it again; it would fade into obscurity like the pile of shit it is. Scottish National Party MP Hannah Bardell, meanwhile, had other plans.

Aside from condemning the game as “utterly abhorrent material” (which, admittedly, it is), she also called for government review. Of Steam (and other such platforms). Which as you might remember, rejected the game.

The content of this game is utterly perverted. It’s time for the UK government to undertake a full review into how tech companies and gaming platforms — specifically Steam — are able to get away with this kind of stupidity.

The culture to seek forgiveness rather than permission is a stain on an industry that otherwise has the potential to be a real force for good.

Scottish National Party MP Hannah Bardell

She was joined in this by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport for the Scottish Parliament Shona Robison, who called for the government to tighten regulations on digital storefronts.

For any online gaming platform to allow the publishing of a so-called game, which glorifies the killing and raping of women, would be disgusting and deeply offensive. Therefore, I am delighted that Steam has rejected the distribution of this incredibly shocking game on their online platform.

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport for the Scottish Parliament Shona Robison

Granted, a lot of this could’ve been avoided if Valve had had the prescience to realize that allowing a game called Rape Day to have a Steam listing at all was a bad idea. That said, when I see someone describe a form of entertainment as having “the potential to be a real force for good”, I know well enough that such a person shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a hobby of mine. Here’s hoping things resolve without getting stupid. Even though I bet they won’t.

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Source: PC Gamer

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