Scalpers Descend as SNES Classic Pre-orders Sell Out

SNES Classic

The predictable is happening!

Yep, scalpers have already swooped in and screwed plenty of people out of an SNES Classic. Even MovieBob is pissed:

SNES Classic MovieBobAnd, you know, that’s like the 1 in 100 I can agree with the man, so I can’t fault him for it. Especially since this is the only way, for at least a little while, that you’ll be able to play the full version of Star Fox 2. And holy shit, are resellers gouging people for it.

SNES ClassicThey’re trying to resell an $80 MSRP system for nearly $300 in some cases. And thanks to supply and demand, well, that’s the Nintendo economy for you; it’s happened with every Nintendo system since the Wii. The fact that the NES Classic was in short supply before the end of its run has only made this worse. Still Nintendo stated that there would be more of the SNES Classic to go produced, so fingers crossed there aren’t just a few floating around in actual stores come launch day.

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