SanDisk has a 400GB MicroSD Card


That’s one hell of a lot of storage, SanDisk.

Don’t you hate running out of space on your SD cards? It’s bad enough when it’s just pictures, but it gets worse when it’s video or music. And that’s why SanDisk has created a 400GB MicroSD card.

The Ultra microSXDC USH-I is the largest memory card in the market. And yet, it’s as tiny as any other micro SD card. And according to the company, it’s got a transfer rate of 100MB/s. The line also comes in smaller sizes, but the maximum is the impressive part.

Hell, it puts the onboard memory of several common devices to shame. And at $250, it’s a fairly reasonable price for that kind of utility. You can currently order it on SanDisk’s site, though I’d guess the usual suspects will get to stocking it eventually.

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