Samsung’s TV Boxes Aren’t Just For Recycling Anymore


It’s like Nintendo Labo, but for practical things.

As TV’s have increased in size, so too has their packaging. And said packaging has become a concern for both consumer and producer. As such, at least in Samsung’s case, they’ve decided to make it easier to upcycle these boxes into useful objects, rather than just shove them in a recycling bin. That said, if you did want to shove them into a recycling bin, they’re being made from undisclosed eco-friendly materials, according to Samsung.


As for how it works, every one of their boxes has a dot matrix perforation pattern cut into it from the getgo, and a QR code that, when scanned, will get you a few manuals for objects to select from to upcycle your former TV box into. The given examples are magazine racks, shelving, end tables, a tiny entertainment center, and a cat house. You should know, though, that these designs are based around keeping Samsung’s branding front-and-center, but that’s nothing some spray paint or contact paper can’t fix.

Granted, this was always something you could do with these leftover boxes, if you were willing to break out the old hobby knife and your ingenuity. But seeing it get facilitated is pretty nice. And it might give you something to do, if you’re going stir-crazy.

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Source: Gizmodo

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