Samsung ends production of the Galaxy Note 7

Galaxy Note 7

Samsung is having a terrible year. That being the case, things have gone from bad to worse as the company has ceased production on the Galaxy Note 7. They have “permanently discontinued” the handset for the sake of public safety.

The phones, for whatever reason, have had a tendency to explode when in normal use. These issue continued even after the company released new “safe” models to users. At this point there was probably no way that the Note 7 would ever be seen as anything other than the phones that explode, so this move makes sense.

Samsung pushed the Note 7 out earlier than many probably would have liked to better compete with the iPhone 7, but that looks like it have have been the impetus for its downfall. The company had planned to sell some 20 million devices, but now have altered their entire yearly outlook.

This news saw Samsung shares drop by eight percent today. That may not seem like a lot, but it means that $17 billion has gone up in smoke, much like the Note 7. So much for our tech guy reviewing the device he got.

Via | Bloomberg

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