Sam & Max Save the World Remaster Gets Demo on Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch users waffling over whether to buy Skunkape’s Sam & Max Save the World remaster have one less excuse today, as a beefy free demo has just been added to the Nintendo eShop:

Sam & Max Save the World is a new version of Telltale Games’ first season of Sam & Max episodic games, lovingly remastered for Nintendo Switch and PC by a group of former Telltale employees who worked on the original series.
 In Episode 1: Culture Shock, dog and rabbity-thing crime fighters Sam & Max must round up a gaggle of unruly child stars who are wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. The new Nintendo Switch demo includes almost the entire episode, and save files carry over to the full game.

This first case plants the seeds for a six-episode story arc that will put the Freelance Police on national TV, get them inducted into the Toy Mafia, trigger an emergency presidential election against the reanimated Lincoln Monument, bring down the internet (oh, the horror!), and culminate in a blissful showdown on the moon. Yes, it’s exactly as weird as it sounds.

But wait, there’s more! Through May 31, Sam & Max Save the World is 20% off on the Nintendo eShop. This is the first time the Nintendo Switch version has been discounted. Prefer to play your games on Steam? That version is also discounted for a couple of days. (No PC demo, but it comes with the 2006/2007 originals as free DLC!)

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No, really, WAIT! There’s even more! Limited Run Games is currently taking preorders for three physical versions of Sam & Max Save the World:

The Collector’s Editions will be packed with goodies, including a recreation of the ultra-rare Sam & Max Season One case file that Telltale sold in very limited quantities back in 2007. NO, NO, WAIT!!!!1! Um… actually, that’s it. For now.

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