Lon Lon Ranch better be the Cow Level, or so help me…
Forbes let slip that Diablo III would be announced for the Nintendo Switch, though the article quickly got disappeared. And Kotaku corroborates that, and with an announcement date of, well, today.
Dubbed Diablo III – Eternal Collection, it will include the Reaper of Souls and Rise of the Necromancer expansions. Not to mention features like cloud saves and the like. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Switch version without a bit of Nintendo-based goodies to go along with it, like:
- Ganondorf cosmetic armor set
- Triforce portrait frame
- Chicken pet (Cucco, I presume?)
- Echoes of the Mask cosmetic wings

And since this is the Switch version, there will be a few different ways to play:
- Up to 4 players can play together on a single Switch
- Up to 4 players can play on 4 different Switch units wirelessly without an internet connection
- Players can also team up online with the Nintendo Switch Online service
Supposedly, Diablo III – Eternal Collection will run you $59.99, and launch sometime this year.