Rumor Alert: INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US 2 Announcement At E3


Injustice: Gods Among Us was a big surprise to all of us when it dropped. Not because the game featured DC superheroes beating each other up –it’s been done several times since the days of the Super Nintendo– but because it was a damn good game.

Injustice: Gods Among Us used the same Mortal Kombat (9) engine that pushed last generation consoles, but it also did a lot of new things to make itself stand out. It did enough things right that Mortal Kombat X nicked a few of those ideas/mechanics when it came out.

The game has also seen an impressive run on mobile devices and is still being currently supported his content updates. Now the French website Game Blog is reporting that Warner Bros. and NeatherRealm Studios may be dropping a surprise on us at this years E3 convention with an announcement of Injustice: Gods Among Us 2.

This news would make developmental sense from Warner and NeatherRealm as the  Mortal Kombat series seems to be on a two-year cycle. Turning the Injustice series into the off-year game would be a smart move and allow the team to play around with possible new mechanics. It also fits into the new Justice League movie release, so it could be used as a sort of game/movie tie-in.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us  2 will mostly likely use the same engine from Mortal Kombat X. If this is the case the game should drop sometime in 2017 for the major consoles. GAMbIT will be on the floor covering E3 and we will see what we can dig up if an announcement is made.


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