Riot Loses Lawsuit to Soccer Pro Edgar Davids over League of Legends Skin

Leage of Legends Striker Lucian

Never forget, kids; you tread a fine line between homage and ripoff.

Riot recently lost a lawsuit in Dutch courts to Soccer pro Edgar Davids. The suit was over a skin for the League of Legends character Lucian: Striker Lucian (depicted above).


Uhhh… yeah, there aren’t enough degrees of separation there. I’m siding with the Dutch on this one.

Riot contended that the similarities weren’t that great. The court, however, didn’t see it that way, awarding Davids the win. No doubt, this (sadly no longer available) Tweet from former Riot QA analyst Baconhawk made in 2014 didn’t help Riot’s case.

League of Legends Striker Lucian TweetThe court hasn’t awarded compensation yet, however. That will come after an investigation into how much money Riot has made off of the skin in question. Chances are, however, that League of Legends players should probably snap up the skin if they have the chance. It’s entirely possible it won’t survive this situation.

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