‘Rick and Morty’ character pack comes to Move or Die

Download Move or Die for 60% Off During Steam Summer Sale.

What up my glip-glops? Those Awesome Guys and Reverb Triple XP announced today that a new character pack featuring characters from Adult Swim’s animated series ‘Rick and Morty’ is available now for Move or Die, an absurdly fast-paced, 4-player local and online party game.

The character pack is available for free and won’t cost a single schemeckle. What’s more, Move or Die is available at 60% off its retail price of $14.99 ($5.99 sale price) during the Steam Summer Sale. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

While waiting for the start of the third season, players can experience the misadventures of Rick and Morty in the friendship-ruining game, Move or Die. In the new ‘Rick and Morty’ character pack, players can battle against friends as characters from the hit show, including: Rick, Morty, Bird Person, Mr. Meeseeks, and Krombopulos the Assassin.

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