Resident Evil 2 Mods Show Off Mr. X’s Beach Bod; Announce His Presence

Resident Evil 2

He gon’ give it to ya.

Let’s be honest; Mr. X is an omnipresent threat in Resident Evil 2. And, hell, the remake actually gave him more presence. So, naturally, when you’re practically built like an infected Greek God for the purposes of strangling rookie cops and biker chicks to death, it’s sort of a shame to perpetually dress like a film noir detective/streaker: in a trenchcoat.

And that’s where the Beach Boy X mod comes in. It’s nothing but a speedo (Umbrella Corp. brand, ‘natch), some sunglasses, and 100% pure X, baby.

Resident Evil 2
Chad AF.

But that’s not the only mod for Mr. X. No, someone did the obvious; that which you knew, deep down, you always wanted. Someone modded it so that DMX’s X Gon’ Give It To Ya plays when Mr. X is around you. And it’s every bit as legendary as you’d always hoped.

Source: PC Gamer

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