Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Official Trailer(s) Hit

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

The Resident Evil: The Final Chapter official Japanese teaser trailer is here, as well as the first official trailer here in the states. The Japanese clip shows a lot of what happened in past installments of the Resident Evil series that went off the rails, well, during the first one. The official one has Gun and Roses backing Alice doing Alice things.

For whatever reason, people seem to like this series, then again people really liked Suicide Squad so these are the sorts of movies we deserve. While I poke fun, it is nice that Milla Jovovich is working alongside her director husband (they met filming) and having a lot of fun.

But I do have to say that the series has the worst continuity with its own movies that I have ever seen. Seriously, you guys, it’s a really silly series!

Check out both trailers below:

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is in theaters 2017.

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