Remember The Tick? He’s back – in Amazon form

It looks like Amazon wants to get into the Lazarus game, following in the footsteps of its ostensible counterparts Netflix (who revived Arrested Development) and Yahoo! (who saved Community). The retail giant-cum-streaming service has announced plans to bring back the live-action version of The Tick, one of the weirdest goddamn shows ever made, and still beloved even though it lasted a mere nine episodes.

From The AV Club:

As is the custom with Amazon pilots, the rebooted version of The Tick will stream for free on the site on an as-yet-undisclosed date, leaving the ultimate fate of the series up to ratings and reviews from fans.

The fact that The Tick‘s fate is left in the hands of the fans is pretty cool, so do your part and vote for the damn thing. We could always use more Patrick Warburton on TV (and no, Rules of Engagement doesn’t count).

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