Redout is the first first original racer for the Nintendo Switch

Get your eye drops ready! Nicalis today announces the white-knuckle racing intensity (that’s unverified – Ed) of Redout is coming to Nintendo Switch in Spring 2017 at retail and digitally via the Nintendo eShop.

Using Epic’s Unreal graphics engine and razor-sharp control mechanics, Redout is one of the most intense game experiences in the Nintendo Switch launch line-up. Whether you play it on the go or on an 80” HDTV, Redout delivers a new entry into the pantheon of classic anti-grav formula racing games. “You’re gonna leave this game with your eyes dry, because you can’t blink,” promises lead game designer Giuseppe Franchi of 34BigThings.

Redout is set in the year 2560, after the construction of elaborate magnetic race tracks has transformed the barren wasteland of Earth into the epicenter of the galaxy’s most popular sport. Redout’s next-gen visual effects and highly optimized environments give players a mainline dose of sensory overload without sacrificing ultra-high-speed rendering and long draw distances.

Fans of futuristic racing games from the late ’90s will love the dynamic vehicle designs and evocative course environments. The architecture and terrain are based on fantastic visions—imagined 500+ years hence—of real-world locations like Cairo, Alaska and the gorgeous Italian region of Abruzzo.

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The game’s finely tuned controls are the result of two years of development, planning, implementation and testing. Redout’s driving scheme uses the right Joy-Con analog stick to pitch the vehicle forward (on downhill slopes) and backward (on inclines) in order to decrease friction and increase speed. The right stick is also used to drift around curves, giving an unprecedented degree of precision control. Minimum frustration, maximum velocity, ultimate racing!

You can check out the original Redout trailer below, but we don’t yet know if the game will look this good on the Switch. Fingers crossed.


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